iOS users can now Follow their Favourite Place in Google Maps
iOS users can now Follow their Favourite Place in Google Maps

iOS users can now Follow their Favourite Place in Google Maps. Google Maps team has rolled out this feature today. In October Last year, Google maps rolled out this same feature for Android users and now it is available for iOS people too.

By enabling the follow button in Google Maps you’ll get Notifications and Important Updates of your favourite restaurant or places, right into your mailbox. You can find this follow button right below the name of the place in Google Maps. Below we post screenshot of where you find this button in Google Maps.

Google Maps Follow Button
Google Maps Follow Button

Google Maps provide this follow especially to make the platform more interactive for users. Most of the users use Maps to find locations and directions. None of them of them use it like a social platform for finding places, restaurants, cafe etc. This feature enable the interaction between the place owner and the navigator.

Note that Google Maps has the highest number of users among all the popular map apps present on the web. According to a report by statista, In US only in the month of April 2018, Google Maps have more than 154 billion monthly users.

Recently we see how Google Maps testing AR Navigation that show us the directions in real time. Beside that some of the recent features Google Map have rolled out are For You Tab, Live Location Sharing, Hashtag.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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