Google Maps Add live location sharing facility. Live Location, a feature which is invented by Telegram and then after WhatsApp copies it in its platform too. However, until now the most necessary application lacks this facility. Google maps have added this facility now after a new server-side update rolled out for devices.
Live location is proving to be very useful in a situation where you want to track someone in a rush. Here Google Map’s this feature will even work when you are even in a public transport. In Google Maps live location feature is present by the name “Share Trip”.
You can find this option only when you decide your route. It doesn’t matter whether you are choosing a bus or a train. Once you decide your route you will this option present in the bottom right corner of your screen. Note that this feature is right now present in the Android version of Google Maps. However, it will soon roll out in the iOS version too.
All you have to switch on your Google Play store and first update your Google Maps app if an update is available to you. Once you have done take the steps we mention above to find this feature.
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