Facebook Text Delight Animation List
Facebook Text Delight Animation List

Here we are going to talk about Facebook Text Delight Animation List.

Once in your lifetime, you may have seen animations floating on your Facebook Screen when you Type or Click some special texts on the Facebook Platform.

Talking about the Animations they looks sometimes like what I have shown you in this post’s featured image (present above).

So, the texts that are responsible for provoking these animations to appear on Facebook are called Facebook Text Delights.

Now, what are all the positions where we can provoke text delights on Facebook?

Well, the most common positions where you can write text delights to provoke the animations is in the Facebook Comments and Create Posts section where you write something on your’s or your friend’s Facebook Timeline.

Text Delight is one of the coolest features I personally thought Facebook have.

Facebook Text Delight Color

Now, one thing I forget to tell you is, as soon as you type a Facebook Text Delight either in the comment or on your friend’s wall (to wish him/her birthday, anything), the color of the text changes. You can see the same in the photo below.

The color of Facebook Text Delights

In the above screenshot, you can see that I have pasted two text delights.

Both these text delights are of different colors, one is orange and the other one is blue.

So, here you can conclude, all Facebook Text Delights are of different colors.

Now, coming to the animation, as soon as you type these text delight at its desired place (like in the comments and wall) or tap on it, the animations bumps up from the bottom of the page screen.

Now, last but not the least, below I have listed out some of the text delights that are working fine in the year 2024.

Facebook currently has a ton of text delights, but the hard thing is you won’t find a list of all of them in a single Place.

But don’t worry, Here in this article I have listed out all the Facebook Text Delights working.

So, those of you who want to make their Facebook presence cooler can go through to check out this list.

Note: To make this article more general, I only mention English Text Delights. Also, note that for some users these text delights may work and for some, they may not. Some of the text delights works in the post section only whereas some in the comment section only whereas some in both the sections.

Facebook Text Delight Animation List

  • Congratulations
  • Congrats
  • xoxo
  • Bff
  • Best Wishes
  • You Got This
  • Lovely Time
  • Wonderful Time
  • You’re the Best
  • Gooaal

Well, these are all the working English text delights animations on Facebook right now.

If you find more, you can let us know the same in the comment section below.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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      1. Rad,xoxo, cgcongratulations,gg,best wishes,bff,reply ,you got this,goal,bosko,cheers,lovely time ,you’re the best, wonderful time Merry Christmas

    1. It ought to be noted, at least on the English speaking Facebook, foreign words don’t work. I’ve tried in Japanese and Hindi. They just don’t work.

      1. Actually for my Facebook some Danish words work, such as ‘Tillykke med fødselsdagen’ or just ‘Tillykke’ work. There are some German words and phrases that work for me also.

  1. These are all working on 12/17/2020
    best wishes
    You got this
    wonderful time
    you’re the best
    you’ve got this
    lovely time

  2. Julia sharp thanks! Those all work for me from the app when I post but not when I comment, might be different online as I’ve noticed differences between the fb app and online so I’ll try both but awesome!

  3. Hello, Is there a way to enable text delights? I previously had them but now it seems as if they have been disabled. Thank you!

    1. Hi Lee,

      You can enable the text delight when pasting any of the text delights I written above in the wall or comment section of Facebook via your Smartphone.

      Cheers 🤞

  4. Thanks so much for your response. I don’t have a flip phone. Yeah, I’m ancient. lol. When I use those words in Facebook on my Mac they don’t animate. I’m thinking something has turned off or been disabled that I need to enable. Thank you!

    1. Hi Lee,

      It seems like Facebook Text Delights are not working right now on Desktop and Tab devices.

      In my testing it is working fine on Smartphones running Android 7.0 and Later as well as on some models of iPhones.

  5. Today I’d January 22, 2021 and gg makes a fist bump animation, with two or three different iterations.

  6. Thank you very much. I appreciate that update. If you can help with getting this resolved in the future I will be very grateful. Thank you!

  7. I’ve attempted to make these text delights but to no avail. When I write any of the words or phrases they do not turn. Any suggestions?

  8. How about how to turn them off? There used to be an X next to the word…not that is gone and you seem to be stuck with it. Meaning, any adult will have to figure out how to get their point across with different phrases.

  9. Watch what happens when you type in GG or just GGG. its a family nickname and i had no idea what to do when i looked it up.

  10. I have an android SE21, they are working for me. My boyfriend has an apple iPhone 11 and they are not working on his at all….? I have read articles before that sometimes features work on Android but not Apple and vice versa. Does anyone know why this is?

  11. Gg GG an gg for good game works in Germany. Some of the english keywords do not work here, like RAD or Bff

  12. There’s another that I discovered by accident, and it’s so fun! it’s this: ggg … it’s a fist bump 🙂

  13. why did the Congratulations
    Best Wishes
    You Got This
    Lovely Time
    Wonderful Time
    You’re the Best
    Gooaal stop working for me

  14. Text delights stopped working for me in late 2021. The color initially changes to red, but when I hit enter to post it reverts to plain black text with no animation.

  15. How do I TURN OFF these awful “text delights”?
    I’m not in 3rd grade and don’t want animated text.

  16. when I can get the facebook text delights to work. I can only do them for 24 hours. can you please tell me why this is happening

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