Cloudflare Launches DNS Resolver App
Cloudflare Launches DNS Resolver App | Image Credits:

Cloudflare Launches DNS Resolver App for Android and iOS after a month of its privacy-focused DNS service launching. Note that Cloudflare rolls out DNS Service this year on April Fool’s day. They launch this DNS Server by taking privacy into consideration.

Talking about this DNS Facility it encrypts your DNS queries. This will not only hide your search queries from your ISP but also helps you save from web snoopers. Moreover, ISP uses your search queries to make some money by selling it to Internet marketers. Moreover, Marketers use your search queries to pop you up with your favorite products to buy online. This way they make more money. All these things work in a loop.

We already explained in one of our posts that How to configure Cloudflare DNS in Windows OS. Of course, you could configure this DNS address manually in your smartphone too but it is quite hectic. That is why Cloudflare launch an app which can complete this task for you in just one tap. They made this app a one tap working interface. A tap will let you enable this service moreover, another one will let you disable it.

All you have to install this app, it doesn’t matter whether you are using iOS or Android because they roll out one for both of them. The iOS version is of 33.6MB whereas the Android version is quite small that is of 7.8MB. The app is totally free to use. Cloudflare claims after you migrate your DNS address to you will surf 28% faster.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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