Windows Media Player No Longer Shows you Meta Information
Windows Media Player No Longer Shows you Meta Information

Windows Media Player no longer shows you meta information on Windows 7. However, other Windows Media Player in other operating system is unaffected by this change. There you can still see meta info in Windows Media player. Moreover, Microsoft team removes this facility from Windows Media Center in every versions of Windows.

Microsoft silently publish a document online yesterday, which reveals some versions of windows now doesn’t show meta information in Windows media player and Media center.

Windows Media Player now not showing you Meta Information
Windows Media Player now not showing you Meta Information

Okay what is meta information? Well meta information is a type of data which shows information about other type of data. For example, In songs we see some common meta information’s like title, genre, artist. Moreover, In Movies and TV shows some of the common meta information’s are Director, Actor, cover art and so on.

Microsoft team however says that they took this decision by taking a sufficient amount of feedback from their user. Note that you can still see meta information in other media player you install on Windows 7. Examples are VLC media player, KM Player, Windows Media Classic and so on.

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