Telegram for Web is not accessible via Jio Network in India. How many of you get a page that says this site can’t be reached when trying to access Telegram for Web via Jio Network. Some of you think that’s an issue from Telegram server side. But let me tell you that, Reliance Jio is the one who mess up with the server. I have also try to access telegram for web i.e. by connecting my laptop Internet via Jio Hotspot but not able to access it.
However, When I try to access the same page via my wifi telecom network I successfully open the site. With that experiment it is clear that Jio network messing with the accessibility of Telegram for Web.
Telegram is one of the popular instant messaging app like WhatsApp. Even in India, last year Telegram able to grab 200 million monthly users. Well, if you intersect the number of Telegram for web users and Jio users, seems like Telegram facing some of loss because of network restrictions by Jio.
This is not the first time Jio came in news for messing up the accessibility of a site. Few months earlier, people find Jio restricting the access of VPN and other proxy websites in India.
Well, the Telegram app works seamlessly fine on the Jio network, only the desktop website is not accessible. I think Jio has not blocked the Telegram for web motively but it is some kind of configuration error made by their network admins. Otherwise why do they not block the app too.
Not just in Jio Postpaid or Prepaid connection, Jio Gigafiber users all facing the same issue.
Let see for how much time this problem remains present or Jio resolve it in future.
Read also: 5 Cool New Features of Telegram 5.5 Mobile and 1.6.2 Desktop