PUBG Vikendi Map
PUBG Vikendi Map

Right now, PUBG is testing its Update 24 on test server. PUBG officials have given this update version the name PUBG Vikendi. It is a 6×6 snow-themed map. The map is beautiful but don’t underestimate its hardness. There are so many survival skills you have to focus. In this article, I am going to talk about all of these plus I am also going to share with you What are all the new things you find in PUBG Vikendi Map.

PUBG Vikendi Map | New Vehicle | SnowMobile

List of New Things One can Find in PUBG Vikendi Map

PUBG Vikendi Map | New Riffle | G36C

PUBG Vikendi Map | New Riffle | G36C
  1. PUBG Vikendi is a 6×6 Snow Map. In real world if you walk on the Snow then you will embrace your Footprint there, the same happens in case of PUBG Vikendi Map. Note that, Via this footprint other players can trace you. You can also see Footprints for Vehicles.
  2. In PUBG Vikendi Map the days are longer. Moreover, at night you can see night full of stars and if are lucky enough you can also see Aurora sometimes.
  3. Talking about gears, In this map, you can get G36C Assault Rifle. Officials have replace the SCAR with this rifle in PUBG Vikendi.
  4. Acceleration of vehicles are slow due to icy terrain. Therefor, In this map you find Snowmobiles.
  5. Vikendi also have game-replay system via which you can edit or create 3D Camera movements to export your best PUBG play production. This way you can show the world your best PUBG round.
  6. PUBG developers promises that later they will release patches for Vikendi. These patches will introduce some advance parachuting system like glide or dive during free-fall, help you to cut your chute before hitting the ground. Like that.
  7. Vikendi Map is quicker than Erangel and Miramar.
  8. In the Starting area, Players can Throw Snow Balls over one another.
  9. In this map Redzone centers are outside the Play Zone.
  10. The more Playzone becomes smaller, the Red Zone will be.

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Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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