Instagram Caption Warning

The popular photo and video sharing Social Network “Instagram” is consistently testing a plethora of new features for its platform.

Out of these features, some might find a place in the platform others might get degraded.

However, if you are looking for What are all the features that Instagram is currently testing, then this article is for you.

I’m updating this article as soon as I found a new feature Instagram is testing.

So, without further ado let me introduce you to the features.

Instagram Features under Testing

Rearrange Your Instagram Posts Grid

Have you ever designed your Instagram Profile Posts Grid with many images like this?

If yes, then I guess you know, how confusing is it to arrange the posts correctly one after another.

To simplify the same, Instagram is now working on a feature called Edit Grid that lets you rearrange your posts.

Popular reverse engineer, Alessandro Paluzzi spots this feature in the Profile Information section.

Once the user taps on the Edit Grid open, the app unlocks a drag a drop facility.

Users can then use the same facility to rearrange their posts like they want.

Record Voice Messages in DM with a Single Tap

Back in 2018, Instagram added the feature to send voice messages in Instagram Direct.

There is a mic icon in the message typing bar at the bottom of Instagram Direct.

Currently, Tapping and Holding the mic icon records the voice message, and releasing the mic icon sends it.

Instagram is now testing a feature to record a voice message in DM with a Single Tap.

As soon as you tap on the mic icon, it starts recording the voice note, and then to send the voice note a new up arrow icon is added.

You can see the same in the tweet below.

Fundraiser Info in Bio

Back in July 2020, Instagram rolled out the Personal Fundraiser feature to a small group of users living in the US, UK, and Ireland.

The Fundraiser feature was spotted in the Edit Profile section of Instagram. To start a fundraiser, simply tap on Edit Profile>Add Fundraiser>Raise Money>Choose Cover Photo>Next>Done.

While so far selected people are seeing the Fundraiser posts on Feeds and Stories, Instagram is testing to show it on the Fundraiser’s Bio too.

See the Photo in Full before Sending it in DM

Right now, we can’t view a photo in full while sending it in DM but the platform is now testing a feature to view the photo in full.

While selecting the photo, we simply need to tap on the photo and it will open in your phone’s screen in full.

Viewers can like Questions sent in an Instagram Live

Instagram is working on a feature to let the viewers like questions sent in a live.

The Questions will be sorted with the most liked Questions at the top.

Save Stories as Drafts

A draft is the best way to save the work if not want to post it at the same time.

Instagram is testing a feature that lets you save your story as drafts.

So if this feature goes live, you won’t lose any changes in your story if want to post it later.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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