How to Send WhatsApp Holi Stickers
How to Send WhatsApp Holi Stickers? | Image Credits: WhatsApp

Holi is here and so as the time to send Holi Stickers on WhatsApp, therefore, here we explain you How to send WhatsApp Holi Stickers. Back in October last year WhatsApp Introduces a feature called Stickers on WhatsApp. WhatsApp explains one can create and publish their own sticker app on Google Play Store or Apple Store. After that they will able to send the stickers in WhatsApp. It means that for sending a sticker on WhatsApp requires that the app which contains the stickers should be published on Google Play Store or App Store. WhatsApp then fetches the sticker from the play store or app store server when a users send it to someone on WhatsApp.

So, if you are a developer you could publish your own app by referring to this documentation. However, for saving some time you could also refer to some apps that already contains sticker for Holi.

Below I list out the link of those apps via which you can send Holi Stickers to your friends and family on WhatsApp.

How to send WhatsApp Holi Stickers? (Steps)

First Open up the Google Play Store or Apple Store and search for Holi Stickers. There you find several apps that have holi stickers or GIFs. Install any Holi Stickers app but first do check up its rating and review.

Let me list out some of the popular Holi Stickers app for Android and iOS from my side.

You could install any of these apps and you are set to go. Next, open the app and add the Holi Sticker from the Holi Sticker app to WhatsApp.

Now to access the sticker in WhatsApp, Open WhatsApp then click on the happy Smiley you find at the left side of type message section.

Once you click on the Smiley Icon, a window scrolls up from the bottom of screen. In this windows you’ll notice three option at the bottom i.e. Smiley, GIF and Sticker.

Once you click on the sticker option you will see the holi sticker pack at the top of the window. Now, tap on any sticker pack and then tapping again on a sticker will send that sticker to your WhatsApp contact.

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Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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