How to add Whatsapp contact using QR Code

In the latest IOS beta update, WhatsApp has added a new way to let user add contact in the app. Users using the latest IOS beta update of WhatsApp now have a QR code contact card in their app. Sharing the same QR code contact card with other user quickly let them add your contact to their WhatsApp.

WABeta Info guys first spotted this feature in the latest WhatsApp for iOS beta version Although this feature was announced 1 year ago but now has made available via a server side update to the iOS beta testers and soon will roll out for Android beta testers as well.

To access this feature, Open your WhatsApp Settings page and there you see a new Quick Response Icon. Tapping on the same icon reveals your QR Contact Card that also have your WhatsApp QR Code. Sharing this QR Code (that I mentioned below in the screenshot) with your friends, let them able to add you to their WhatsApp contact.

Credits: WABetaInfo

Similarily you can ask your friends QR code and Scan it (as a scan option is present in the same QR code section) using your phone’s camera to add them in your WhatsApp Contact. There is also an option to reset your existing QR code in order to generate a new one for some reason.

To access your WhatsApp QR Code (to share it to your friend to let them add you in their WhatsApp contact) there is also a shortcut in the WhatsApp Widget area like as I show you in the screenshot below. However, do note that this option is available only on iPhone 6S and newer devices.

Credits: WABetaInfo

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Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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