How to Add Public Events on Google Maps for Android
How to Add Public Events on Google Maps for Android?

Here I’m going to explain you to How to Add Public Events on Google Maps for Android? Google Map officials recently updates the map support page where they talk about how to add public events on Google Map in Brief. Well, with this facility, you can add a public event to any place you find in Google Map. This feature is not available to all the place right now.

In the support page, Google Map officials explain that one can add an event to a place on Google Map via a new Contribute tab. Moreover, In this contribute tab you will find an event option, clicking on which leads you to post a event.

However, In our testing we won’t able to locate this new contribute tab in our region i.e. India. But we do locate the Add Event option somewhere else. We found this option at the top right corner menu of our Google Map Business page.

Note that: We access this Add event option in our Business Page when we open the page with a different Google Account. That means from that account from which I am not managing that Business Page on Google Map.

Let me paste the screenshot below to better give you the insight.

Add Public Event Google Map

Well as you can see in the image above you could add photos, event name, date and time, event description and website for a event. You could choose the theme of event in which it below. There are different themes available for an event. Let me show you again with a screenshot.

Google Map Event Categories List
Google Map Event Categories List

Well, When this feature roll out for everyone, users will interact more locally via Google Map Event. What do you think about this new feature? Will you use it when it became available publicly for everyone? Let us know in the comments down below.

Read also: Google Maps Starts Testing AR Navigation Feature

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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