Google Play Music Artist Hub is set to Turn OFF on April 30
Google Play Music Artist Hub is set to Turn OFF on April 30

Google Play Music Artist Hub is set to Turn OFF on April 30. Now it seems that Google will soon shut down Google Play Music in full. Those of you who don’t know, Google is currently handling two music streaming services and users are confused which one to choose. Well, these two music streaming services are Google Play Music and YouTube Music. YouTube Music is the latest Music streaming service Google launched last year in US and other countries. However, available from last month in India.

Now, Google is in full mood to turn off Google Play music and starts a new Journey with YouTube Music. A recent blog post by 9to5Google explains, YouTube music is going to replace Google Play Music. Moreover, the artist hub shutdown happens this April 30. So, From April 30, you’ll not able to do these things which I mention below.

  1. You’ll not able to upload any content to Google Play Music.
  2. Artists contents like Tracks, Albums, Images and Bios will disappear.
  3. Also, You’ll not able to delete any of your existing content.
  4. May 31, 2019 is the day when you get all your Google Play Music reports and Payments.
  5. However, On July 31, 2019 all your reports will also going to be erased from the server.

So, What is now the option for Artists? Well, now they can join, YouTube for Artists as it is now the futuristic Music streaming app by Google.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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