Google Chrome 76 is Released and Brings Dark Mode with it. The browser now supports the prefered colour scheme of your Operating System. That means if you have selected dark mode as your colour scheme in your OS, then Chrome also opens in Dark Mode.
Do note that the latest version of Windows 10 supports both the dark and light mode.
Google brings this feature in the Chrome Version 76.0.3809.87 (Official Build). Chrome 76 update is now available, and you can update your browser by visiting help > About Chrome.
The other new thing I found in Chrome 76 is the settings page that now has different options present in the left sidebar. See in the below screenshot.
What’s new in Chrome 76?
Beside Dark Mode Chrome 76 brings other set of Interesting features which I have explained below.
Chrome Blocks Adobe Flash by Default
With this new release, Chrome 76 now block Adobe Flash on all websites by default. Even Adobe announced they stop giving support to Adobe Flash starting the year 2021.
Websites not able to detect Incognito Mode
Starting Chrome 76, now websites not able to detect incognito mode. Websites on the other hand, track incognito mode to block those users who bypass their system (by using incognito mode) to access their resource. For example, some websites allow users to read some content on a day. Moreover, the user bypasses their system via Incognito mode. It seems like Chrome 76 fetches some more work for Website administrators.
Users now able to Track Chrome Extensions Activities
With Chrome 76 you can track your extension activities which was not available in early versions. All you have to do is enable the below flag via Command line.
Popularizing Progressive Web App
Chrome 76 starts popularizing Progressive Web apps by showing an install button on Omnibox if a website support PWA.
Well, these are all set of features that are most interesting in Chrome 76. If you find any other exciting feature, don’t be shy to ping me in the comment section down below.
Read also: How to access any Website in Dark Mode in Chrome Browser?