Clubhouse App listed on Apple App Store
Clubhouse App listed on Apple App Store

Clubhouse is an audio chat platform founded last year by two entrepreneurs – Paul Davison and Rohan Seth has finally put Facebook in a situation to compete with it. Well I said so because, a recent New York Times report has revealed Facebook has ordered its employees to make a product similiar to Clubhouse.

When asking about the product with Emilie Haskell (a Facebook Spokeswoman), she said to the NYTimes team that “Facebook has connected people through audio and video technologies from many years and is always exploring new ways to improve it”.

Facebook is making a Clubhouse Alternative

Well, this is not the first time, Facebook is trying to build a product similiar to the other evolving product in the market. Popular examples are Instagram Stories (Inspired by Snapchat Stories), Instagram Reels (Inspired by TikTok), Facebook Rooms (Inspired by Zoom) and now a Clubhouse Alternative.

Clubhouse Theme

How Clubhouse Works? How to use it and more…

The Theme of Clubhouse App is giving users a variety of way to promote audio interactions. You can think of Clubhouse as an Auditorium where someone is giving a speech on the stage and you have entered the Auditorium to listen the speech. In some situation, you might be on the stage. Clubhouse users can join and create Rooms about different topic, Follow other users, and many other features. The size of the room could vary and there could be a thousand participants who can join the room and listen to it.

How Clubhouse gains Popularity?

Clubhouse isn’t the first audio chat platform where users can talk with each other though audio only, but the platform has gained popularity as soon as it able to rope celebrities like Drake, Kanye West, Kevin Hart and other. As per NYT, an Instagram Co-Founder is also a member of Clubhouse. Last month, world’s richest person, Elon Musk was interviewed in the app by two Silicon Valley technologiests – Sriram Krishnan and Aarthi Ramamurthy. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has also appeared as a surprise guest on the app in shows called Good Time.

Users can join Clubhouse via Invite only
Users can join Clubhouse via Invite only

One other thing that make the Clubhouse popular in a short span of time is it’s exclusiveness. For example, Currently, a user can join Clubhouse only with an invitation from a Clubhouse user. Also, The app is available currently for iOS users. Clubhouse popularity is so high that its Join Invitations are selling on e-Bay. So far 12,000 Indians have reportedly joined Clubhouse.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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