Netflix Brings Smart Downloads to iOS App
Netflix Brings Smart Downloads to iOS App

Netflix Brings Smart Downloads to iOS App. Note that Netflix gives you the facility to download a video for offline watching. They introduced the downloading feature in the application back in year 2016. However, Downloading a video offline for watching it later, consumes spaces in your mobile phone. Therefore, Netflix looks forward to bring something innovative. They made Smart Downloads, a feature which automatically download the next episode you are going to watch and delete the previous one.

For example, Suppose you download Episodes 1-3 for a Season A. Then, as soon as you complete watching episode 1 of season A, then Smart Downloads start downloading Episode 4 and deletes Episode 1.

Note that Smart Downloads feature is already available for Android as well as Windows 10 users. However, from this Thursday iOS users will also find this feature in their application.

Those users who still want to store the watched content on their smartphone have to turn off this feature. User who want to turn off Smart Downloads feature can do so by going to this location Downloads>My Downloads>Smart Downloads. Note that, Smart Downloads feature only initiate if you have connected your device with WiFi. Therefore, this feature won’t affect you Mobile data in case you forget to turn it off.

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