List of Companies not participating in MWC 2020 fearing Coronavirus

From the past few weeks, we see many big names pulling their participation in MWC 2020, and now on Wednesday, GSMA released a statement revealing the cancellation of Mobile World Congress 2020 due to global concern regarding Coronavirus Outbreak. Well, this is the first time in 20 years GSMA has canceled the Show as GSMA organizes MWC back from 2006.

In the same statement, GSMA also said that they would continue to work with the Host City parties for MWC 2021 and other future editions. Through the same statement, GSMA also presents their sympathy to all those who are affected with Coronavirus in China and all around the world.

With the cancellation of this event, GSMA loses millions of dollars.

Every year about 1 lakh people from 200 countries participate in the MWC. From China itself, about 6000 people take part in MWC. Many of you may not know, but it costs millions of dollars to organize such an event. A report published by wired suggested that GSMA urged the Spanish authority to declare the Global Emergency so that the insurance policy would cover the loss due to the cancellation of the event. The report stated that the insurance policy would not cover the loss if the organizing body cancels the event itself.

Mobile World Congress is a show where telecom companies meet with hardware vendors (including mobile phone manufacturers) to discuss telecom network evolution. In recent years, Facebook and Amazon also participated in this event, as some of their products are linked to the mobile industry.

Now due to Coronavirus this year, GSMA canceled the Mobile World Congress event, due to which we will not be able to meet with many good hardware and technology this year.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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