Google Translate is Updated with New User Interface
Google Translate is Updated with New User Interface | Credits: Google Blog

Google Translate is Updated with New User Interface. 12 year back Google Launches this platform to translate between only two languages i.e. English and Arabic. However, now this match continues within 103 languages. In these 12 years, Google Translate rolls out several update patches. Today you find a new one. This patch Google Translate rolls out by taking care of responsiveness for all devices in mind.


Google Translate is especially helpful in conditions like, Suppose you are visiting a new country or place. Moreover, you are not able to speak in their native language. There you can use Google translate. All you have to open the Google Translate app and click on the speaker icon and say what you want to and then translate it in the language you want to. Then, click on the speaker icon present in the translated language box and its done. Google translate speaks for you.

Below are the three new features you find in the latest update patch of Google Translate.

Labels: With this new update, you will find labels for all the translations you save. All of your translations history, so that you roll back to a previous translation if you need it. Moreover, a community label is also present there, you can use to help improve Google Translate further.

Ease of Access: You write a document ( in Microsoft Word) say in Language A and wants to translate it in Language B. Google Translate gives you the option to upload the document directly and translate it. However, with this update uploading document is now easier.

Google Translate new document upload button
Google Translate new document upload button

Responsiveness: With the advancement of Web technology, Responsive designs have a great demand for websites. So, how can we leave Google Translate behind in this race? With this new update, Google Translate adjust itself, no matter what device you are using.

Above three are the updates you find in Google Translate latest update patch. The update has been already rolled out, you can check it by navigating to

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An accomplished Search Engine Marketer with a strong passion for the digital landscape. He crafts insightful content on technology and innovation, empowering audiences while fostering meaningful engagement...

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