Google Translate show Gender Specific Translation
Google Translate show Gender Specific Translation

Google Translate show Gender Specific Translation. Google Translate launches a new update today. With this update, Google remove gender differences from its platform. For Google it does not matter whether you are a man or a woman, it will now show you the translation in your own gender format.

In our day to day writing, we encounter with some masculine and feminine words, and these words should be used carefully with both sexes. For example: You want to translate a sentence from language A to language B. Then, G-Translate provide you both the version of translation, masculine and feminine. After that, you have to choose between the two.

Right now, this facility is available in few languages. For example, English to French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. On the other side from Turkish to English.

We hope Google will release this feature in more languages.

Read also: Google Translate is Updated with New User Interface

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