Google Could Launch Public Comments on Search Results
Google Could Launch Public Comments on Search Results

Google Could Launch Public Comments on Search Results. Sounds cool! Yeah, I know. We all know Google as a search engine but wait, what happens if it becomes a giant social network too. Interesting to hear that, Well Google is working on social features, right now on comment via which a user can directly add their comments over a search result. Google says that comments a user write will be displayed publicly.

As we all know due to data privacy issue Google+ is going to shut down. However, Seems like, after this new feature, Google’s dream of creating its own social network will remain alive. Right now, if we talk about social features in Google Products, you can follow a local business (Google launches it recently) or message to them directly right within the Google search. However, commenting directly on a search result is totally new one.

We encounter this new feature via a Google support page “Leave Comments on Google search“. In this page, Google explains the comment on the search result. The team also introduces a Your contribution section where you find the list of all the comments and reviews you post till now on Google search results. Moreover, the public comments feature for the Google search results is already present in the form of reviews. I meant to say that you can post your reviews for TV Shows, Movies, Books etc currently on google.

This new comment feature is currently available only for Games. Google says you can also rate comments made by other users. Right now, Comments on Google search is not available in all languages as well as in all regions.

Google also releases a set of rules violating any of them may not show your comment on the search result. When you post a comment for a Google search result the same name appears on search result which is fed on your profile. Anonymous commenting is not allowed on Google search result.

How to Post a comment on Google search result?

To leave a comment on Google search result, first, you have to visit or Open up your Google App.

Then, do a search.

Once you visit and prepare to make a comment on a search result, In the overview box, tap or click MoreMore

Then, Tap or Click Comments > Viewers.

Next, Tap or Click Add a Public comment.

Finally, you can enter your comment.

Note: As we mentioned earlier, comments on Google search is currently available only for Games. Moreover, only available in some region in some language format.

Google also gives you the option to Like, Dislike and Report a comment.

That is all about comments on Google search result. What do you say about this upcoming feature by Google? Let us know in the comments down below.

Read also: Google .dev Domain Registration Opens from January 2019

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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