Google Photos Live Album Limits to 10000 Photos Only
Google Photos Live Album Limits to 10000 Photos Only

Google Photos Live Album Limits to 10000 Photos. We all know about Google Photos Live Album. Recently Google introduced this new feature. Live Album which makes photo sorting easier for you because AI does all the task for you. In the live album, Google AI automatically sort out all the photos according to its category. For example, if you create a live album folder for pets then, all the upcoming pets photo to Google Photos automatically goes into this folder. Those of you who don’t know how to create a live album in Google Photos can read our post.

Read: How to create Live Album in Google Photos?

Now, we come to know that this feature has certain limitations. Recently, Google Photos post on its official Twitter handle that a Live Album stores only 10,000 photos or videos that are privately held. Moreover, the live album that is accessible publicly can store Photos and videos up to 20,000.

Those of you who are curious to know what will happen when you reach the limit of 10,000 photos in Google Photos Live Album. Well, in that case, Google Photos pause further upload of photos.

Do let us know in the comment section below whether you are currently using Google Photos Live Album feature or not? Moreover, First, Let us know whether you use Google Photos or not?

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Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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