Google makes Android Go mandatory for Devices with 2GB of RAM or less

Back in 2017, Google announced a modified version of Android for low end devices having 1GB of RAM or less. However, from back then, Google haven’t made the Android GO mandatory for these low-end devices.

Now, a leaked copy of Google’s Android 11 GO Edition Device Configuration guide (dated April 24, 2020) has revealed some new updates about the same.

The leaked copy is reportedly saying the below mentioned things.

  1. Starting Q4 2020, any device launching with Android 10 if have 2GB of RAM or less should must launch as an Android GO device.
  2. From now on Any device launching with Android 11 if have 2GB of RAM or less should also must launch as an Android GO device.
  3. Starting Android 11, devices with 512MB of RAM will not be eligible to preload Google Mobile Services.
  4. Devices already launched with 2GB of RAM in Standard GMS configuration will not be able to convert to Android GO via any medium and such devices should remain be on Standard Android.

This new configuration has not been made official yet, but if it will, it going to boost Android GO operating system sales and performance. As I mentioned earlier, for now, it is not mandatory for the OEM’s to preload Android GO in devices having 2GB of RAM or less. The result is device manufacturers packs such devices with standard Android that in turn raise some performance issues. So, you can see that the performance issue occurs due to not providing sufficient resources to the OS but among general users this thing also destroys the reputation of Android Operating system.

Let’s see whether Google really going to implement these set of rules in coming days or not. Hence, for now that is all about this article.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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