From today on, Firefox starts giving Enhanced Tracking protection to all users by default. From Enhanced Tracking protection I mean blocking Third Party Cookies and Protecting users from Cryptocurrency Miners.
Back on June this year Firefox introduced the Enhanced Tracking Protection feature but it was only available to some select users around 20% or something. However, now this feature is available to all users and Firefox team has enabled it by default in the browser.
To check whether this feature is working on your Firefox Browser visit a site that ask you to accept cookies. Now at the starting of the address bar you see a shield icon like as I show you in the photo below.
Note: You able to see the Shield Icon only if a website ask you to accept to store cookies in your browser or if a website mine cryptocurrency by utilizing your system resource.
As I told you From today on Firefox has turned on Enhanced Tracking Protection by default in your Firefox Browser. However, if you want to turn off this feature specifically for a site, you can do so by clicking on the same shield icon I explained you above.
Once you click on the shield icon, navigate to Content Blocking > Cookies > Turn Off Blocking for this site. Similarly you could turn off blocking of other features like Trackers and permissions.
Clicking on the shield icon also reveals the list of site Firefox is blocking to stop them from accessing your browser cookies and site data.
Firefox also gives us the option to stop Fingerprinting Scripts
From today on, Firefox also gives us the option to block fingerprinting scripts. Those of you who are new to the term let me tell you Fingerprinting Scripts run in your browser without your context and always take and send snapshot of your browser activities. To overcome with Fingerprinting Scripts, now user has an option in the Firefox browser called Strict Mode. Once user turn on this option, they can relax from Fingerprinting scripts while navigating online.
Read also: Mozilla Launches Firefox Reality Browser for VR and AR Platforms