Facebook Group Supports 250 People Chat
Facebook Group Supports 250 People Chat

Facebook Group Supports 250 People Chat Simultaneously. This new feature starts rolling out from today. With this Feature, it seems like Facebook concern over Group engagement. This way Facebook tries to generate more engagement on its platform. Moreover, all this chat will be done over Messenger. Besides chatting, voice and video calls can also be made between 50 people simultaneously.

Some of you definitely worry about notifications and you have to. I mean it is obvious when we chat with this large amount of people at a single place, notifications are concerning. So, Facebook takes care of it. The Platform doesn’t irritate you with notifications. It only gives you the notification when someone mentions your name under @ tag. However, you can also manage this too, I mean you can turn it off too.

Group Admins on the other side has some specific set of powers. They can approve and stop any chat within his/her Group. You can find this new feature once you open your messenger and add group member up to 250 counts to start a chat conversation. As we all know after Facebook access token reveal matter takes place, the platform engagement goes down. Meanwhile, we think Facebook concern over this feature to improve the engagement.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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