Microsoft re-releases Windows 10 October Update 2018. This update brings a hectic issue of automatic files and folders deletion. When Microsoft releases Windows 10 October update 1809, officials don’t know this update brings a serious headache for them as well as all the users. This new update caches everyone’s eye when this new update automatically deletes users files and folders.
Moreover, after numerous user reporting this serious cause, Microsoft pullouts this new update from all channels. Now, Microsoft again rolls out this update slowly at a global scale. This new update rolls out more specifically for those users who previously manually update Windows.
Microsoft Re-Releases Windows 10 October Update 2018: Why this issue occurs?
Microsoft team also explains why this issue happens. Let me explain it to you in simple terms. The officials say this issue happens because of a feature called Known Folder Redirection. With this feature, one can redirect the location of a Known Folder to a new location when they ran out of a drive space. In Windows, the Known Folder location is Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Snapshots, Videos, Camera Rolls etc. Now, all these files stores on C drive say C:\USERS\USERNAME\DOCUMENTS. After C drive became out of space one can use KFR feature to store the files on some other drive. Now, after Windows update 1809, the old folder gets deleted once the file moves to a new folder.
Now, this issue occurs because of the compatibility error b/w One Drive and the Windows Update 1809. Users who don’t update their One Drive to the latest version and using the old version encounters this issue. In the previous version, One Drive has an option of Auto Save. Now, Users uses KFR Feature to move files to some One Drive Folder. But the files were not moved to the new location and since the user has installed Windows Update 1809, the old folder deletes automatically.
Note: The KFR Feature deletes the Old Folder automatically once the user changes the old folder location to some new location. As I mention above.
However, Microsoft has now rolled out the new patch and also asks users to give their feedback. Let see whether this new patch works correctly or not? Want to grab more info about this new patch read about it at the official blog post.