Netflix allows their members to create a maximum of upto 5 profiles within a single Netflix account. These Profiles on the other hand have their own personalized experience like Language preference, Playback Settings, Maturity Level, Personalized TV Show and Movie suggestions, Viewing restrictions, activity log, My List, Ratings and Email (for marketing communications).
Now, Netflix recently has added one more option to enhance the personalized experience of a profile on Netflix and it is called Profile Lock.
This new option allows a Netflix account holder to restrict access to a specific profile via a 4 Digit Pin. Now, you may ask, Why we put a lock on a Netflix profile? Well, there are some cases, when we not want different profiles of a same Netflix account to access each other or disturb each other personalized TV shows and Movie suggestions. In such cases, Netflix Profile Lock option comes handy. Now, let see How one can use Profile lock option to restrict access to a specific profile.
How to put a lock on your Netflix Profile? Steps

Putting a lock on a Netflix profile is super easy.
- First go to this link.
- Then, Sign In to your Netflix account.
- Then, Scroll down below and there you see Profile and Parental Controls where all Profiles of the respective account is present.
- Now, Click on the Drop Down icon present right next to the profile name where you want to put a lock on.
- There you see Profile Lock option and all you have to do is click on the change link.
- Once you click on the change button, Netflix again ask you to enter your account password and once you feed the password then you able to create a 4-digit pin that is going to required next time you access the same profile. Also, Netflix gives you the option at the same location to let the same PIN required to add new profiles. You can also select that option if you like as I show you in the screenshot below.

Read also: How to disable Netflix Autoplay Videos?
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