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Popular word processing app, Google Docs hosts a plethora of features but doesn’t it sound weird that you can chat with your friends or anyone you have given permission to chat inside Google Docs while editing a document.

Well, Google Docs do have a feature that let the users chat inside this popular word processing app.

It’s logical to use this feature, more than one user should have the permission to edit the same document.

How to chat inside a document in Google Docs?

Once more than one user has the permission to edit the same document, one can see a chat icon (like as I show you in the screenshot below) at the top right corner of the same document in Google Docs.

how to chat in google docs
How to Chat in Google Docs?

Now, Clicking on the chat icon reveals a window below where users who have the permission to at least view the document can chat with other users who have the same permission.

Now coming to the chat window, beside just showing up the comments from the users who have the permission to access the document, it also shows the status of them.

From status I mean, whether other users have opened the document or have left it. See the below screenshot to gain more insight about what I’m saying.

Similar to chat, Google Docs also have a comment feature through which users can highlight a particular word or sentence and comment on it. Other users having the permission can read these comments.

Chats and comments are some of the best collaboration features Google docs have as it overcomes the burden of opening an email to get permission for making an edit and so.

So, this is how you can chat inside a document in google docs. Do let me know, if you have any doubt or question about the same in the comments down below.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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