Clubhouse starts testing its Android App Beta Testing
Image Credits: William Krause / Unsplash

Last month we told you, Clubhouse might launch its Android App in coming months. Yesterday, the beta testing team of Clubhouse published a release notes that confirms the beta testing of Clubhouse Android App has started.

The release notes says, “The Android App is not live yet, but a rough beta version is rolling out for a handful of friendly testers”.

The release notes also says “We cannot wait to welcome more Android users to Clubhouse over the coming weeks”. This statement means over the coming weeks we see more Android users using the Android version of Clubhouse App.

After reading the release notes, we can say that, initially one can also join the Android version of Clubhouse App through invite only just like the company did with its iOS app in the early stage.

For now we can’t say the exact date of when the Android version of the Clubhouse App will go live in the Play Store but seeing its beta testing has started in early May we think that might be possible in 2-3 months.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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