Amazon Music has Launched Free Ad Supported Plan for Alexa Users
Amazon Music has Launched Free Ad Supported Plan for Alexa Users | Image Credits: Amazon

Amazon Music is one of the popular Online Music Streaming service globally on the web. However, still there is one part where it doesn’t beat Spotify. Well, that part is the free ad supported plan which spotify offer to their users. In my opinion this plan is one of the primary reason why Spotify have a large users base. Now, following the path of Spotify, Amazon also rolls out a plan that offers user to stream music for free but sports some ads. Moreover, right now it is only available for Alexa users living in United States.

Till now you could avail Amazon Music subscription at a price of $7.99 (in India) where you’ll get unlimited access to 50 million songs. If you’re a new subscriber you could also try Amazon Music free for 30 days. So, as you can see you have to invest some money if you want to avail Amazon Music services.

Now, with this new Plan Alexa users living in US can stream Amazon music for free if they handle some ads. This new plan is already live.

Talking about its rival, Spotify have this ad-supported plan from a very long time. Of course if you compare the range of content spotify provide, Amazon Music can’t beat it but it has some consequences. With this plan Amazon could magnet some user to buy Alexa devices. Moreover, this plan could also bend some user to stream Amazon Music in spite of other music apps.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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