Why Google Shut Down Google URL Shortener Service
Why Google Shut Down Google URL Shortener Service

In a Blog post by Google, they share an information which says Google Shut Down Google URL Shortener Service. Google Launches the Google URL Shortener Service back in 2009. It is one of the most popular Google Service. Those who don’t know about Google URL Shortener, Let me tell you that, this service is used for Shortening the filthy URL. By Google URL Shortener, One can short the long URL. After shortening the URL, its name will also change. For example: Suppose you want to shorten a URL i.e. then, after shortening it using the Google URL Shortener it looks something like this.

Now, Google Shut Down Google URL Shortener Service. In a blog post by Google, they provide this information. But, Many of you think about Why Google Shut Down Google URL Shortener Service. So, here we talk about it.

Reason Why Google Shut Down Google URL Shortener Service?

From 2009, the way the people interact with the Internet totally changes. Now people interact more with Dynamic Services and Devices, for example, Apps, Home Assistants etc. Moreover, Google URL Shortener Service is a kind of Deep Link Creation Service. Deep Links are the Links which are present in the Article or inserted in some words etc. Furthermore, Let me tell you that Google URL Shortener Service is not Dynamic. Means, Suppose you take a URL and Shorten it using Google URL Shortener. Now, You want to use this short URL also in your Mobile Application. Here, the problem occurs, In one Platform say for an Android App it works fine but it may not be working well for an iOS app. Therefore, At most of the places, this service flops for now. Ultimately, Google Team Takes this decision to Close this service.

What now for the regular Google URL Shortener user?

Well, They don’t have to worry about it, because after closing this service, Google also announces a new service which is Firebase Dynamic Links. This service is a Dynamic version of Google URL Shortener. You can use Firebase Dynamic Links on any of the dynamic Platform such as iOS, Android as well as Web Applications. It means that you generate one dynamic deep link an insert wherever you want. It works fine. To understand more clearly watch this video.

Alternative to Google URL Shortener

Some of the popular alternatives to Google URL Shortener are as follows:

Note: The Existing Google URL Shortener User can use the service until 30 March 2019. Google Provides this period to manage all your URLs.

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Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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