Amid lockdown, To counter network congestion while most of the users sitting home eating network bandwidth via YouTube’s High Definition Video quality, around 3 months ago, YouTube limits the video streaming quality on mobile globally to 480 pixels. Now, after around 3 months, the company fetches back the High Definition Video Quality on Mobile as I recently spotted it on my phone. However, users on mobile data looks like still have to wait for some time to stream videos in High Definition as the rollout looks like for now is only for users on Wifi. These conditions are applicable only on YouTube on Mobile (iOS and Android). For Desktop, on the other hand, YouTube hasn’t made any such restriction even when the lockdown starts.
Now talking about changing the quality of a video playing on YouTube, you can do so by clicking on the three vertical dots called ellipsis that resides on the video player. You can reveal it when tapped once on the video player. Inside the ellipsis, you find the quality option that contains the different quality of the video in which you can play it.
YouTube was not the only one to reduce the video streaming quality in India or globally when lockdown starts. Facebook and Instagram also had done the same.
All these platforms done this to save the bandwidth and clear the network congestion for other services out there that may be necessary amid this global pandemic outbreak.
Anyways, YouTube now has brought back the high definition and ultra-high-definition video streaming quality on mobile. Although it is for Wifi users for now but soon will also be available for mobile users.