In this article, we explain you How to download Windows 10 Broken updates? It been a week, major users from US and UK reports, Windows 10 Update is broken. However, Microsoft team says this is not their fault because major users who report this issue are either on Comcast or British Telecom. Therefore, It may happens that your ISP blocks continuous download of Windows 10 update. Anyways In this article, we resolve this issue via a simple tweak. We explain you how you download a Windows 10 update that broke while you download it.
Download Windows 10 Broken updates simply by changing your DNS Address
You can download anything that broke at ISP level by Simply changing your system DNS to some other DNS provider. In fact if your default DNS blocks some site to open then changing DNS works in that case too.
Some of the best popular free DNS providers are Google, Cloudflare and many more who knows. You can research on the web.
Let me here post the DNS address of both of these two.
Cloudflare Open DNS:
Google DNS: ,
I have already written an article in which I explain How to change your DNS address. You can check it out here.
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