Komal Lahiri Finally appoints as the WhatsApp Grievance Officer for India. Working remotely from Menlo Park, California, USA, Komal Lahiri now resolves our WhatsApp related Complains and Issues.
As we all know the era of Fake news spreading rises on WhatsApp leads to some of the disastrous events. A major example is the rise of Mob killings in our country. Due to rise in such kind of events, the central ministry asks WhatsApp to bring someone who monitors the rise of fake content rising on this Instant messaging platform. However, after this WhatsApp officials take several steps to overcome with Fake news issue. For the first WhatsApp even advertise in Major newspapers of India to help users identify whether a content is fake or not. Officials also roll out forwarded message label feature in the platform. From this feature, a user can identify whether a message is typed in real of forwarded by some other user. However, all of these practices flops. Therefore, now the company appoints a Grievance officer who handles WhatsApp Complaints in real time.
WhatsApp also releases an email contact option via which a user can register a complaint. To verify user identity the company ask a user to feed a digital signature of himself. After feeding a digital signature, WhatsApp takes the complaint as an authentic one. The company also says if anyone wants to register a complaint about a specific account he/she also has to mention his/her full phone number with country code. You can find out the more details about the Whatsapp Grievance officer from the link we mention.
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