Facebook and Instagram Announce New Time Management Tools
Facebook and Instagram Announce New Time Management Tools

Today Facebook and Instagram Announce New Time Management Tools. These new tools help monitor the user how much time they spend on platforms. In Facebook, these new set of new tools are Activity Dashboard, Daily Reminders and Mute Push Notifications.

Facebook and Instagram Announce New Time Management Tools: Info

Activity Dashboard: You can think of it like a new tab where you read how much time you spend on Facebook. From here you can open and manage your time on Facebook by setting reminders. Moreover, Here you can Manage your Notifications as well.

Daily Reminder: It is an option where you can set a reminder about how much time you want to use on facebook. Hence, after spending that much time on the platform facebook prompt you reminder notifications.

Mute Push Notifications: By this feature, you can mute new notifications for posts, pages or anything on facebook for some amount of time. But don’t worry you can later access those notifications from the notification tab. Facebook keeps those notifications there. By enabling this feature, Facebook simply doesn’t give you Push Notifications as the name of feature signifies.

Facebook New Time Management Apps
Facebook New Time Management Apps | Image Credits: Facebook

Similiarily, Instagram also have these kind of features.

Facebook officials say that they design these tools by consulting several Medical and Behaviour experts. Let me explain it to you in detail. When we surf Facebook we often see that time easily pass on but as a result, we gain a little less. Some of us open Facebook to gain some information and we waste hours and hours of our time seeing funny videos.

Officials say they do not build this platform for these kinds of scenarios to happen. On average most Facebookers spends their most time navigating to Facebook feed. Accepting this fact, Facebook officials also frequently updates the Facebook feed algorithm. In fact, in past, they roll out several features to make Facebook Feed better. These features include See first, Keyword Snooze, Unfollow etc.

Facebook and Instagram Announce New Time Management Tools: How to access those?

In both of these platforms, these set of tools are present in the setting section. Let me tell you the steps by which you can access these tools on Facebook and Instagram.

You can access these tools in either of Facebook App and the Instagram App. In the Facebook app, Open the setting page and there you find Your Time on Facebook Option. Tap on it and the Activity Dashboard will open. In the activity dashboard, Daily Reminders and Mute Push Notification both options are present. From there you can set both of these other two options as well.

Similarly, In the Instagram app, open the setting page and there you find the option Your Activity. Just like Facebook in Your Activity section, you can also access all the new time monitoring feature.

Note: Officials says that these new tools are currently rolling out on the Platform.

Read also: Facebook Now Shows Product Ads Via Augmented Reality

An accomplished Search Engine Marketer with a strong passion for the digital landscape. He crafts insightful content on technology and innovation, empowering audiences while fostering meaningful engagement...

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