Disney Plus Live India
Disney Plus Live India

While two days back we revealed Disney Plus coming on April 3 in India, The reason why Hotstar increases it subscription price. Well, Disney Plus is now live in India and one can locate it right on Hotstar, A subsidiary of Star India which in turn in owned by The Walt Disney Company India.

Till April 14, India is in Lockdown amid Corona outbreak in the country. In the same period the growth rate of video streaming in India is at its peak. That’s the reason why now the Walt Disney Company has launched Disney Plus in India.

One can access Disney Plus by visiting Hostar website but to make it more simple here is the exact link. Once opened the site there you see a set of 5 channels that Disney has owned and which you get if subscribe for Disney Plus.

These set of Channels are Disney, PIXAR, MARVEL, STAR WARS, and National Geographic. Now inside these Channels some contents are accessible to Hotstar VIP subscriptions while the others are restricted to Hotstar Premium subscription only.

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