Back in July this year, one of the world’s top wireless technology company Qualcomm Inc. bought 0.15 percent stake in Jio Platforms for Rs. 730 crore. Now, while earlier it was cloudy why Qualcomm and Jio Partnered with each other, some information is now starting to melt.
In a recent blog post, Qualcomm said, Reliance Jio along with its recently owned US based subsidiary Radisys Corporation in collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies has conducted a trial to test Reliance Jio 5G equipment on Qualcomm’s Radio Access Network (RAN). Well, I am happy to say that the trials were successful and Jio has achieved over 1Gbps speed while testing it’s 5GNR solutions on Qualcomm’s Radio Access Network.
What is meant by 5GNR and RAN?
Well those of you who have no idea, the NR in 5G means New Radio which is the standard of 5G just like LTE is the standard of Fourth Generation Network (4G). RAN, on the other hand, just I wrote above is called the Radio Access Network whose work is to manage the radio communications in between the user’s mobile device and the base station.
The president of Reliance Jio Infocomm, Mr. Mathew Oomen said,
India still has not auctioned the 5G spectrum
India still has not auctioned the 5G spectrum but Telecom companies are preparing for the next, because as soon as they purchase the spectrum they want their 5G network to rollout. Tests like these are going to help them achieve the same.
More details about Jio’s 5G set of equipment, products, may be phones are yet to come, but for now, Jio has successfully tested its 5G product portfolio and achieved the speed of over 1Gbps. Now, India is among one of those few countries (like US, South Korea, Australia, Switzerland, and Germany) who have achieved the 1Gbps mark on 5G network. India expects the auction of 5G airwaves next year and Jio is all set to rollout its 5G services the same year.