india noted highest number of computer shipments last year in past 6 years

In a report released by the International Data Corporation, it was stated that in the last 6 years, last year, India has made the highest number of computer shipments. These shipments included desktops, laptops, and workstation computers, while the total number of shipments was recorded at 11 million units, with the most users being Windows 10 upgrades. Many of you will be aware that Microsoft has stopped support of Windows 7 this year.

Talking about shipments, the last quarter of last year saw the highest shipment of 2.3 million units, while among all the above mentioned devices, the highest shipment of notebook PC units was done last year. Desktops also recorded an increase in shipments, but shipments of this category were recorded the most in banking and financial institutions.

Talking about the processor, as in the Indian market last year, there was a shortage of Intel processors, due to which AMD processors sold a lot of their units. Despite being lacking, Intel was the best-selling processor last year, capturing 70.8% market share in its category.

Source: Economic Times

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