Create Your Own Fonts Via Microsoft Font Maker
Create Your Own Fonts Via Microsoft Font Maker | Image Credits: Microsoft

Now you can Create Your Own Fonts Via Microsoft Font Maker in Windows 10. However, it requires an additional hardware to do so. To Create Your Own Fonts Via Microsoft Font Maker you need a stylus. Till now, you are installing different fonts in your Microsoft Windows 10 machine from different sources. Now, with the font maker app soon a huge collection of fonts floats on the Internet.

Okay to create your own fonts first you have to download and install the Microsoft font Maker app from Microsoft store.

After you download and install the font maker app and first open it, you will see all the characters inside boxes.

To make your own font easily available, write the letters and symbols in your own handwriting inside the boxes and save it.

As soon as you save the font its type will be .ttf or .otf. Then, You can install it like a regular font you download from the Internet.

Note: Many users review and rate the app with very low marking. In our belief, it is because most of the users download the app and use it without a touchscreen or a stylus. They just write the letters using their mouse touchpad or with the Mouse. So, if your device is either got a touchscreen with a pen or if you have a stylus pad then, you can use this app more accurately.

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