WhatsApp Backups are not end-to-end Encrypted in Google Drive. This info confirms after we see a Note tagline in the official WhatsApp FAQ. The company clearly specify the media and messages that we backed up are not end-to-end encrypted while it is present in Google drive.
To aware you with the context, Whatsapp recently collabs with Google. The advantage of this collaboration is WhatsApp backup that stores in Google Drive will not count towards drive quota. However, Whatsapp also says if we don’t update any backup from a year, then that backup deletes automatically.
WhatsApp Backups are not end-to-end Encrypted in Google Drive: What does it mean?
If your WhatsApp backup is not encrypted in Google Drive, then what does it mean? This means that anyone who has access to your Google Drive can misuse this backup. They can extract chats, media, and messages. Whatsapp mentions about this in its FAQ section.
So we request you if you store your WhatsApp Backup in Google Drive then be careful. You can tell us in the comment section below, which is the best place to store the backup.
How to create WhatsApp Backup inside Google Drive?
First, open your WhatsApp.
Then, Go to this location Menu>Settings>Chats>Chat Backup
Then, Click on Backup to Google Drive.
After that select the time intervals for the upcoming backups. If you want to daily backup your WhatsApp chat then check and Daily option like that.
You can also tweak other settings as well as per your need.
That’s it now you Whatsapp backup will store on google drive automatically.
Read also: WhatsApp Introduces Voice and Video Calling in WhatsApp Groups