Spotify Group Sessions Feature

Today, Spotify has rolled out a new feature for its premium users to help them add a song in a queue in a live music session. Spotify named this feature Group Sessions that is right now is in beta and is only available for Spotify premium users. You can think of Spotify Group session as a feature to help you add songs in a live music playlist running in a houseparty. This feature allow two or more Spotify premium users to control a music session.

Okay, let me explain to you now, How you can create Group sessions in in Spotify.

How to create Spotify Group Sessions?

Credits: Twitter @wongmjane

First and the foremost, Currently, there is no limit of How many users can join a Spotify Group session. However, to create a Group session, First open your Spotify Mobile or Desktop app. Then, Tap on the Now Playing bar at the botton. Next, Tap on the connected devices icon (the icon displaying a computer and a iPod). Now, from here, you can generate a code under Group sessions. Next to that, you can ask your friends to scan the code via their smartphone camera to join the same session.

Do note that both you and your friends (i.e. the host and the guest) can pause, play, skip, select tracks, and add songs in the live playlist. The playlist, on the other hand, updates on everyone’s devices who have joined the session. Also, after an hour of inactivity, the session automatically ends.

Although, Spotify rolled out this feature, now but popular Reverse Engineer Jane Manchun Wong unvieled it last year.

Read also: Spotify Tastebuds helps to discover Music through Friends

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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