How to Install Tik Tok in India after the Ban
How to Install Tik Tok in India after the Ban?

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has ban Tik Tok last Wednesday in India. India which contributes more than 120 million monthly users to the app and now it gone from Google Play Store, but for iOS user it is still available. Note that after the ban, the app is not available in Google Play Store, but it doesn’t mean user who already installed this app on their phone will not able to use it. Well that’s the loop hole we gonna utilize to install this app on a new user’s smartphone too.

Before coming to the procedure make sure you have to app available handy one is Google File which you can download via this link. However, the other app is Tik Tok, which you have to find available in any of friends phone. Also, make sure that Your Friends phone also have Google Files app installed in it.

Okay, let’s look at the procedure now.

How to Install Tik Tok in India after the Ban?

First open the Google Files App in your friends phone which has Tik Tok already installed in it.

Now, At the bottom of Google Files App you find Browse option, Tap on it.

Next, In the Categories section, Tap on Apps.

Now, Search for Tik Tok and Tap on the Share option from the drop down icon next to it.

Once you click on the Share option, A window pops up from the bottom of the phone screen that contains a list of apps. Tap on Send with Files App.

Now, Open the Google Files App in your Phone and tap receive.

Follow, the procedure which comes on your screen as well as in your friend’s phone screen appropriately.

Once you successfully transfer the app in your phone, Install it. However, do note that an option comes in between that ask you to enable app install from unknown sources. Without a worry enable it.

Finally, you will able to use Tik Tok in your phone too.

Note: Since, Tik Tok is banned from Google Play Store, you won’t able to update it officially.

Now, There are several ways you can install Tik Tok in your Phone. If you look closely what we have done in our method is transfering the Tik Tok .apk file from the friend’s phone to our phone. Well, you could download the .apk file from the Internet. But I think this is the safe way until your friend has not downloaded and installed the Tik Tok .apk from the web.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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