How Secure is Google Pay

Google Pay is one of the best Payment Platform on the Internet right now. Through Google Pay, you can transfer money from one bank account to another in no time. That is what we call a UPI Transfer. However, Google Pay is not just for transferring money but also supports a variety of third party services. For example, With Google Pay, you can now pay your electricity bill, insurance premium, phone recharge, and a variety of other things.

Well, all of this can only be achieved when you link your bank account via UPI in Google Pay.

Now, Sometimes People worry about linking their Bank account in Google Pay. They worry because they don’t know how secure is Google Pay, and that is what this article about? So, without wasting any time, let’s deep dive into the article.

Seriously, How Secure is Google Pay? Let me know.

Google recently confirms in one of their blog post that Safetynet protects Google Pay.

Those of you who don’t know, What Safetynet is, Well, its a set of services and APIs (made by Google team) that protect an app from fake users, toxic urls, and other security threats.

Also, Google uses Machine Learning in collaboration with SafetyNet to differentiate between fraudsters and a verified user.

That’s the core part of the Google Pay app that protects you from remote fraudsters. However, you do have to protect your Google Pay app physically on your phone.

Even physically, Google protects your Google Pay account by encrypting with a Google Pin. Well, there is an another UPI Pin too for making any transaction.

Google Pin is a 4-digit encryption Pin of your Google Pay App, which you set up while linking your Bank account with Google Pay. Don’t confuse Google Pin with UPI Pin as the later one is of 6-digit.

One another thing to note here is you can’t use the same Google Pay account in two devices simultaneously. That’s because Google Pay is made to support One-Device One Account.

Also, Google Pay has recently bought a new feature in the app that now sends SMS alert to the user every time someone requests money in Google Pay.

Well, these are all set of features that make Google Pay the best secure payment app out there. What do you say? Let me know in the comment section down below.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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