Google Drive for Android Supports Microsoft Office Password Protected Files

Seems like in a bid to improve the experience of both the parties i.e. the Google Server and the Google Cloud storage quota of the user, Google Drive is deleting Trash Files automatically after 30 days starting October 13, 2020.

About automatically deleting the trash files after 30 days, Google said, now Google Drive works more consistently like the other Google applications such as Gmail. Well, those of you who don’t know, once you delete a mail in Gmail it goes to the trash and from there it deletes automatically after 30 days.

Trash files inside different Google services like Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos consumes the storage quota that is not beneficial for both the parties. For example, for Google these files consume more cloud storage, for users, on the other side, these files consume their Google storage limit.

While most of you already know Google is giving 15GB of free storage space, it is shared across different Google Services like Google Drive, Gmail and Google Photos. Now starting October 13, 2020, in addition to Gmail, Google Drive also starts deleting trash files automatically. From trash files I mean any file present inside the Google Drive’s Trash Section.

Now, although Google Drive is going to delete the trash files automatically, one can restore any trash file before the 30 day window.

How does Google Drive count the 30 day window to delete a trash file?

Well, once you delete a file in Google Drive, it goes to the trash folder and from the exact moment the 30 day window starts counting for that specific file only.

Right now, if we trash a file in Google Drive it remains present there until we not manually delete it.

Now, while I get the info about the same via a mail from the Google Drive Team, a banner about the same is also affixed which you can see, once you open your Google Drive account.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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