Facebook 3D Photos
Facebook 3D Photos | Image Credits: Facebook

In the F8 Developer conference, this year Facebook announces about Facebook 3D Photos. Now, this new feature comes in reality. However, The working principle behind Facebook 3D Photos is to convert a 2D one into 3D. Moreover, one can post this new version of Photos in the news feed too. So, Curious to know how you can convert a 2D photo into 3D via Facebook. Moreover, How to post it on the Timeline as well as in the News Feed?

What is Facebook 3D Photos and How you can create one?

It is basically a normal Three Dimensional Photo. To create one, First, you have to take a snap in Portrait mode. After that, you have to create a post. Now, In the post section, you see 3 dots on the top right corner. Clicking on it reveal an option called 3D photos. Once you click on 3D photos, Facebook asks you to select a photo from your gallery. Now select any regular 2D photo, add a caption to it and post it. Once you do all the above step correctly, Facebook shows your 3D photos in the news feed like in the video below.

Creating a 3D Photo in Facebook comes handy for everyone in coming weeks. However, You can see 3D photos in the news feed may be right now if someone posts it into the news feed.

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Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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