BSNL Launches BookMyFiber Portal to accept new Bharat Fiber Connection Request Online

Back in early 2019, with an aim to provide Internet Connectivity to all, BSNL launched a Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) Broadband Service called Bharat Fiber. Bharat Fiber is now available in all the circles in India. Now, although the service already has a portal to accept the new connection request, a BSNL employee shared a new portal called BookMyFiber that is also said to be accepting new connection requests for the BSNL FTTH broadband service.

Now, what is different in between these two portals is, the newly introduced BookMyFiber portal automatically captures the user’s latitude and longitude as soon as he/she filled the details asked.

Details Required to fill up in BookMyFiber Portal

Talking about the details, the new portal asks the user to fill his/her Name, Mobile Number, Email, Pin Code, Location Name, and Circle. As soon as the user fill up these details, the portal automatically pins the location in the map present in the portal’s background.

After that, the portal also asks the user to choose the plan. The portal shows all the plans with the details like the Plan Duration, Speed Offered, Rate of the chosen circle. Talking about the rate, in some circles, BSNL Bharat Fiber plans starts at as low as Rs. 430 while in another circles, the lowest plan starts at Rs. 499.

How BookMyFiber Portal Works?

In a letter to all the BSNL CGMs in the country, it is described, the BookMyFiber portal gathers the user information and then passes it to the BSNL Franchisee Management System (FMS). The FMS system, on the other hand, contains geotagged information of all the BSNL and Partners OLTE. Once FMS received a lead (the user information), the software logic in FMS correlates the user and the OLTE locations to help BBC decide who is going to act on customer provisioning. The BBC then further interact with the customer to complete the KYC formalities. BSNL is sending SMS and Email to its customers to notify about this Portal.

BSNL Bharat Fiber Installation Charge

Now, although, BSNL isn’t charging any fee for Activation or Installation, the user, on the other hand, must pay Rs. 500 (that is refundable while returning the ONT in proper condition) as one-time security deposit fee for the Optical Network Terminal.

The Optical Network Terminal Device

Those of you who have no idea what Optical Network Terminal is, well it a modem having four 100Mbps Ethernet ports along with 2 normal Telephone Ports. Each Ethernet port is capable to hold a Broadband, IPTV, IP Video Call devices.

Apart from paying Rs. 500 at one time, A subscriber can also choose to pay Rs. 90 for the ONT device monthly. Rs. 500 at one time or Rs. 90 per month is if you take only the ONT, however, if you take the ADSL WIFI Modem with the ONT then it would cost the monthly rental of Rs. 200 and a refundable security deposit of Rs. 1500.

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