Amazon now steps out to participate in MWC 2020
Amazon now steps out to participate in MWC 2020

The global outbreak of novel Coronavirus disease now affecting major tech events. Yes, I am talking about Mobile World Congress (the world’s largest annual mobile event) that is scheduled to happen in between 24-27 in Barcelona, Spain this month.

Last week, Nvidia announced their fallback from the same event and before that few more companies did the same. Now, Amazon is the latest name coming announcing not to participate in the same event citing novel Coronavirus risk. Although Amazon only looks forward to talking about Amazon Web Services in the event but stepping out their participation is a big concern for the organizers.

In an emailed statement to TechCrunch, one of the Amazon spokespeople reveals about the company participation in Mobile World Congress 2020. The spokesperson told Techcrunch, Amazon is not going to participate in MWC this year citing Coronavirus risks and we have informed GSMA (the organizing body of MWC 2020) about our participation.

Citing Coronavirus risk, GSMA, on the other hand, sees many tech companies leaving MWC 2020, the organizing body today announced they have entirely banned visitors from Hubei province whose capital Wuhan is the epicentre of this epidemic. Other than that, they releases some set of guidelines too for the attendees.

From China itself, more than 6000 people attend MWC every year. However, this year the Coronavirus outbreak decreases the number of attendees. Some reports say MWC generates more than 14000 part-time jobs every year and this year Coronavirus impact 492 million euros of MWC.

At the time of writing this article, more than 900 people from China itself died of this epidemic and the number of confirmed cases in China roses to 40,171. However, there isn’t any sure cure found yet to tackle this epidemic.

Tech writer extraordinaire and SEO maven. Wordsmithing since 2017, I geek out on apps, gadgets, and social networks. Let's tech-tango together!

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